KSRTC Buses from Tirupathi To Bengaluru
Tirupathi → Bengaluru Bus (2248TPTBNG)
KSRTC Service no. 2248TPTBNG is a Rajahamsa Executive Bus that starts at Tirupathi and ends at Bengaluru. It will take about 0 days 06:37 hrs to travel from Tirupathi to Bengaluru Via: CHITTOOR and covers a total of 3 bus stops during the entire journey including Tirupathi, Bengaluru.
Tirupathi → Bengaluru Bus (2230TPTBNG)
KSRTC Service no. 2230TPTBNG is a Rajahamsa Executive Bus that starts at Tirupathi and ends at Bengaluru. It will take about 0 days 05:55 hrs to travel from Tirupathi to Bengaluru Via: CHITTOOR and covers a total of 3 bus stops during the entire journey including Tirupathi, Bengaluru.
Tirupathi → Bengaluru Bus (1902TPTBNG)
KSRTC Service no. 1902TPTBNG is a Rajahamsa Executive Bus that starts at Tirupathi and ends at Bengaluru. It will take about 0 days 05:08 hrs to travel from Tirupathi to Bengaluru Via: CHITTOOR and covers a total of 3 bus stops during the entire journey including Tirupathi, Bengaluru.
Tirupathi → Bengaluru Bus (1435TPTBNG)
KSRTC Service no. 1435TPTBNG is a Rajahamsa Executive Bus that starts at Tirupathi and ends at Bengaluru. It will take about 0 days 06:00 hrs to travel from Tirupathi to Bengaluru Via: CHITTOR and covers a total of 2 bus stops during the entire journey including Tirupathi, Bengaluru.
Tirupathi → Bengaluru Bus (1335TPTBNG)
KSRTC Service no. 1335TPTBNG is a Rajahamsa Executive Bus that starts at Tirupathi and ends at Bengaluru. It will take about 0 days 07:45 hrs to travel from Tirupathi to Bengaluru Via: CHITTOR and covers a total of 2 bus stops during the entire journey including Tirupathi, Bengaluru.
Tirupathi → Bengaluru Bus (1244TPTBNG)
KSRTC Service no. 1244TPTBNG is a Rajahamsa Executive Bus that starts at Tirupathi and ends at Bengaluru. It will take about 0 days 05:44 hrs to travel from Tirupathi to Bengaluru Via: CHITTOOR and covers a total of 3 bus stops during the entire journey including Tirupathi, Bengaluru.
Tirupathi → Bengaluru Bus (1101TPTBNG)
KSRTC Service no. 1101TPTBNG is a Rajahamsa Executive Bus that starts at Tirupathi and ends at Bengaluru. It will take about 0 days 05:54 hrs to travel from Tirupathi to Bengaluru Via: CHITTOR and covers a total of 3 bus stops during the entire journey including Tirupathi, Bengaluru.
Tirupathi → Bengaluru Bus (1046TPTBNG)
KSRTC Service no. 1046TPTBNG is a Rajahamsa Executive Bus that starts at Tirupathi and ends at Bengaluru. It will take about 0 days 07:09 hrs to travel from Tirupathi to Bengaluru Via: CHITTOR and covers a total of 3 bus stops during the entire journey including Tirupathi, Bengaluru.
Tirupathi → Bengaluru Bus (0816TPTBNG)
KSRTC Service no. 0816TPTBNG is a Rajahamsa Executive Bus that starts at Tirupathi and ends at Bengaluru. It will take about 0 days 05:44 hrs to travel from Tirupathi to Bengaluru Via: CHITTOR and covers a total of 3 bus stops during the entire journey including Tirupathi, Bengaluru.
Tirupathi → Bengaluru Bus (0630TPTBNG)
KSRTC Service no. 0630TPTBNG is a Rajahamsa Executive Bus that starts at Tirupathi and ends at Bengaluru. It will take about 0 days 06:10 hrs to travel from Tirupathi to Bengaluru Via: CHITTOR and covers a total of 3 bus stops during the entire journey including Tirupathi, Bengaluru.
Tirupathi → Bengaluru Bus (2320TPTBNG)
KSRTC Service no. 2320TPTBNG is a Airavat Club Class Bus that starts at Tirupathi and ends at Bengaluru. It will take about 0 days 06:10 hrs to travel from Tirupathi to Bengaluru Via: [SPLIT-MNG]CHITTOOR and covers a total of 2 bus stops during the entire journey including Tirupathi, Bengaluru.
Tirupathi → Bengaluru Bus (1802TPTBNG)
KSRTC Service no. 1802TPTBNG is a Airavat Club Class Bus that starts at Tirupathi and ends at Bengaluru. It will take about 0 days 05:30 hrs to travel from Tirupathi to Bengaluru Via: CHITTOOR and covers a total of 2 bus stops during the entire journey including Tirupathi, Bengaluru.