KSRTC Buses from Bengaluru
Tirupathi → Bengaluru Bus (2329TPTBNG)
KSRTC Service no. 2329TPTBNG is a Ac Sleeper Bus that starts at Tirupathi and ends at Bengaluru. It will take about 0 days 06:01 hrs to travel from Tirupathi to Bengaluru Via: CHITTUR, KOLARA. and covers a total of 2 bus stops during the entire journey including Tirupathi, Bengaluru.
Bengaluru → Mantralaya Bus (0830BNGMNT)
KSRTC Service no. 0830BNGMNT is a Karnataka Sarige Bus that starts at Bengaluru and ends at Mantralaya. It will take about 0 days 09:30 hrs to travel from Bengaluru to Mantralaya Via: GUTTI and covers a total of 5 bus stops during the entire journey including Bengaluru, Adoni, Mantralaya.
Mantralaya → Bengaluru Bus (0730MNTBNG)
KSRTC Service no. 0730MNTBNG is a Karnataka Sarige Bus that starts at Mantralaya and ends at Bengaluru. It will take about 0 days 10:45 hrs to travel from Mantralaya to Bengaluru Via: ADONI,GUTTY and covers a total of 3 bus stops during the entire journey including Mantralaya, Anantapur, Bengaluru.
Tirupathi → Bengaluru Bus (1301TPTBNG)
KSRTC Service no. 1301TPTBNG is a Rajahamsa Executive Bus that starts at Tirupathi and ends at Bengaluru. It will take about 0 days 05:00 hrs to travel from Tirupathi to Bengaluru Via: CHITTOOR and covers a total of 2 bus stops during the entire journey including Tirupathi, Bengaluru.
Bengaluru → Tirupathi Bus (2301BNGTPT)
KSRTC Service no. 2301BNGTPT is a Ac Sleeper Bus that starts at Bengaluru and ends at Tirupathi. It will take about 0 days 06:29 hrs to travel from Bengaluru to Tirupathi Via: CHITOOR and covers a total of 4 bus stops during the entire journey including Bengaluru, Tirupathi.
Kumta → Tirupathi Bus (1600KMTTPT)
KSRTC Service no. 1600KMTTPT is a Karnataka Sarige Bus that starts at Kumta and ends at Tirupathi. It will take about 0 days 12:00 hrs to travel from Kumta to Tirupathi Via: SHIVAMOGA,BANGALORE and covers a total of 7 bus stops during the entire journey including Kumta, Sirsi, Siddapursrs, Sagar, Shivamogga, Bengaluru, Tirupathi.
Tirupathi → Kumta Bus (1600TPTKMT)
KSRTC Service no. 1600TPTKMT is a Karnataka Sarige Bus that starts at Tirupathi and ends at Kumta. It will take about 0 days 18:30 hrs to travel from Tirupathi to Kumta Via: BNG, SMG, SGR and covers a total of 7 bus stops during the entire journey including Tirupathi, Bengaluru, Shivamogga, Sagar, Siddapursrs, Sirsi, Kumta.
Bhatkal → Tirupathi Bus (1145BKLTPT)
KSRTC Service no. 1145BKLTPT is a Karnataka Sarige Bus that starts at Bhatkal and ends at Tirupathi. It will take about 0 days 12:45 hrs to travel from Bhatkal to Tirupathi Via: KOLLUR,SHIMOGA,BANGALORE and covers a total of 5 bus stops during the entire journey including Bhatkal, Kollur, Shivamogga, Bengaluru, Tirupathi.
Dharmastala → Tirupathi Bus (1331DSLTPT)
KSRTC Service no. 1331DSLTPT is a Rajahamsa Executive Bus that starts at Dharmastala and ends at Tirupathi. It will take about 0 days 05:46 hrs to travel from Dharmastala to Tirupathi Via: HASSAN,BANGALORE and covers a total of 3 bus stops during the entire journey including Dharmastala, Bengaluru, Tirupathi.
Bengaluru → Raichur Bus (2208BNGRCH)
KSRTC Service no. 2208BNGRCH is a Rajahamsa Executive Bus that starts at Bengaluru and ends at Raichur. It will take about 0 days 08:22 hrs to travel from Bengaluru to Raichur Via: GUTTI MANTRALAYA and covers a total of 5 bus stops during the entire journey including Bengaluru, Mantralaya, Raichur.
Bengaluru → Raichur Bus (2235BNGRCH)
KSRTC Service no. 2235BNGRCH is a Non Ac Sleeper Bus that starts at Bengaluru and ends at Raichur. It will take about 0 days 07:30 hrs to travel from Bengaluru to Raichur Via: GUTTI MANTRALAYA and covers a total of 5 bus stops during the entire journey including Bengaluru, Mantralaya, Raichur.
Raichur → Bengaluru Bus (2104RCHBNG)
KSRTC Service no. 2104RCHBNG is a Rajahamsa Executive Bus that starts at Raichur and ends at Bengaluru. It will take about 0 days 09:13 hrs to travel from Raichur to Bengaluru Via: MANTRALAYA and covers a total of 5 bus stops during the entire journey including Raichur, Madhavaram Ap Ka Border, Mantralaya, Kodikonda Ap Ka…