KSRTC Buses from Bengaluru To Tirupathi
Bengaluru → Tirupathi Bus (2245BNGTPT)
KSRTC Service no. 2245BNGTPT is a Rajahamsa Executive Bus that starts at Bengaluru and ends at Tirupathi. It will take about 0 days 05:44 hrs to travel from Bengaluru to Tirupathi Via: [DSL SPLIT] CHITTOOR and covers a total of 3 bus stops during the entire journey including Bengaluru, Tirupathi.
Bengaluru → Tirupathi Bus (2213BNGTPT)
KSRTC Service no. 2213BNGTPT is a Airavat Bus that starts at Bengaluru and ends at Tirupathi. It will take about 0 days 05:59 hrs to travel from Bengaluru to Tirupathi Via: CHITTOOR and covers a total of 3 bus stops during the entire journey including Bengaluru, Tirupathi.
Mysuru → Tirupathi Bus (1900MYSTPT)
KSRTC Service no. 1900MYSTPT is a Karnataka Sarige Bus that starts at Mysuru and ends at Tirupathi. It will take about 0 days 05:08 hrs to travel from Mysuru to Tirupathi Via: BANGALORE and covers a total of 3 bus stops during the entire journey including Mysuru, Bengaluru, Tirupathi.
Bengaluru → Tirupathi Bus (1046BNGTPT)
KSRTC Service no. 1046BNGTPT is a Airavat Bus that starts at Bengaluru and ends at Tirupathi. It will take about 0 days 05:45 hrs to travel from Bengaluru to Tirupathi Via: CHITOOR and covers a total of 5 bus stops during the entire journey including Bengaluru, Tirupathi.
Bengaluru → Tirupathi Bus (0826BNGTPT)
KSRTC Service no. 0826BNGTPT is a Airavat Club Class Bus that starts at Bengaluru and ends at Tirupathi. It will take about 0 days 05:35 hrs to travel from Bengaluru to Tirupathi Via: CHITTOOR and covers a total of 5 bus stops during the entire journey including Bengaluru, Tirupathi.
K R Pet → Tirupathi Bus (1729KPTTPT)
KSRTC Service no. 1729KPTTPT is a Karnataka Sarige Bus that starts at K R Pet and ends at Tirupathi. It will take about 0 days 06:35 hrs to travel from K R Pet to Tirupathi Via: MDY, BNG [SPLIT TRIPCODE] and covers a total of 4 bus stops during the entire journey including K R…
Bengaluru → Srikalahasti Bus (2244BNGSKH)
KSRTC Service no. 2244BNGSKH is a Ac Sleeper Bus that starts at Bengaluru and ends at Srikalahasti. It will take about 0 days 07:16 hrs to travel from Bengaluru to Srikalahasti Via: TIRUPATHI and covers a total of 5 bus stops during the entire journey including Bengaluru, Tirupathi, Srikalahasti.
Bengaluru → Sriharikota Bus (2145BNGSHK)
KSRTC Service no. 2145BNGSHK is a Airavat Club Class Bus that starts at Bengaluru and ends at Sriharikota. It will take about 0 days 07:15 hrs to travel from Bengaluru to Sriharikota Via: TIRUPATHI and covers a total of 8 bus stops during the entire journey including Bengaluru, Tirupathi, Srikalahasti, Naidupet, Sulurpete, Sriharikota.
Hassan → Tirupathi Bus (1630HSNTPT)
KSRTC Service no. 1630HSNTPT is a Karnataka Sarige Bus that starts at Hassan and ends at Tirupathi. It will take about 0 days 05:30 hrs to travel from Hassan to Tirupathi Via: BANGLORE and covers a total of 4 bus stops during the entire journey including Hassan, Channarayapatna, Bengaluru, Tirupathi.
Bengaluru → Tirupathi Bus (1330BNGTPT)
KSRTC Service no. 1330BNGTPT is a Airavat Club Class Bus that starts at Bengaluru and ends at Tirupathi. It will take about 0 days 06:00 hrs to travel from Bengaluru to Tirupathi Via: CHITTOR and covers a total of 4 bus stops during the entire journey including Bengaluru, Tirupathi.
Bengaluru → Tirupathi Bus (1206BNGTPT)
KSRTC Service no. 1206BNGTPT is a Airavat Bus that starts at Bengaluru and ends at Tirupathi. It will take about 0 days 04:55 hrs to travel from Bengaluru to Tirupathi Via: CHITTOOR and covers a total of 5 bus stops during the entire journey including Bengaluru, Chittoor, Tirupathi.
Bengaluru → Tirupathi Bus (2325BNGTPT)
KSRTC Service no. 2325BNGTPT is a Karnataka Sarige Bus that starts at Bengaluru and ends at Tirupathi. It will take about 0 days 06:00 hrs to travel from Bengaluru to Tirupathi Via: CHITTOOR [SPLIT-KR PET] SHANTA and covers a total of 4 bus stops during the entire journey including Bengaluru, Tirupathi.